Friday, April 11, 2008

April 11th - Miami

Floyd looks better today. He does appear to be breathing on his own, but with the aid of a respirator. His heartbeat is steady, and his body temperature has balanced out.

However, his fundamental condition hasn't changed. We talked to his main doctor last night and it appears that this is little hope for recovery due to the overwhelming amount of blood that has seeped into his brain. He is no longer responsive to touch. Mike and Ginger agreed to sign a do not resuscitate order (DNR), so he will not be revived should his heart stops.

Mike's niece Christy who lives in Key West drove up last night, arriving around the time that we were talking to his doctor. The next decision is about whether to remove the machines that are stabilizing his condition, including the tube that they have installed to relieve the pressure in his skull from the bleeding. Although he is breathing on his own, and his heartbeat is strong, this will likely result in accelerated decline in his condition. We have decided at this time to keep the DNR in place, and to keep him in the ICU with the same care level that he has now until we talk to his primary doctor again on Saturday afternoon. They are monitoring his condition, but no longer doing bloodwork. The doctors assure us that he is not in any pain, that he's essentially resting, being fed via IV and kept on a steady drip of morphine.

Thank you for all your prayers and support.