Floyd J. Klozar Jr.
(Feb 8, 1929 - April 12, 2008)
As many of you know, my father Floyd sustained a major stroke while vacationing in Cancun Monday, April 7th, just fifteen minutes after I arrived to visit him there. He was admitted to the Galenia hospital in Cancun where Dr Rafael Marciel provided excellent immediate treatment to remove the clot. Floyd was recovering well when a complication arose at 4am Monday, April 8th, and Doctor Marciel decided that an emergency airlift was necessary. The treatment to remove the clot intervaneously, Thrombolitics, is effective in 9 of 10 cases, but has serious complications in 10% of patients. Unfortunately, my father fell into that 10%.
I arranged a medical airlift to Miami Jackson Memorial Hospital - one of the top neurosurgical hospitals in the United States. Ginger and I flew onboard with attending doctors and Floyd to Miami. Kathleen flew in from the west coast of Florida to join them. Floyd arrived sedated and in critical condition. He was immediately examined by Dr. Ahlberg, and CT scans were made. The Doctor advised myself and Ginger on Friday, April 11th, that the prognosis for recovery was not good. His granddaughter, Christy Lamberson, joined us at the hospital. Friday night at 10pm, when visiting hours ended, we all stood by his bedside. He was breathing on his own and we sensed he knew we were there. He remained in a coma in the ICU until the morning of April 12, six hours after we had visited him.
At 4:30am on Saturday, April 12, 2008, the nurses reported that over the course of just about one minute Floyd's vital signs slowly decreased beyond that necessary to sustain life. His breathing and heartrate both slowed steadily, peacefully, with no signs of stress. He was in no pain. He simply chose to fade away.
My father was dearly loved by me, his wife Ginger, his children Teresa and Gene, and his extended family, and certainly by his wealth of wonderful friends. His love of life, selfless nature, and quirky wonderful humor that lit up the lives of all that met him will be sorely missed in this world.
In life, he did it his way. And it was always a way that brought joy and smiles to eveyone. His wish was not for us to mourn but to throw a crazy party to celebrate his life. Of course, this is what Floyd would want, and that is what we will do.
Services will take place in Spokane, Washington. A Catholic service takes place at St Anthony Parish, 10am, Tuesday, April 22nd. A party will take place in May to celebrate his life. We'll be posting details here as they are available.
Cards and flowers should be directed to his wife, Virginia Klozar 2101 S. Katy CtSpokane, WA 99224. (509) 624-7145.
His loving son,